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AJOBO: Happy Birthday, REBEAT!

It’s surreal that I’m even writing this post. Surreal for many reasons, but mostly because a year has gone by already. A whole, solid 12 months since I wrote my very first AJOBO column and we published our very first article (which is still our most popular piece and the most frequently commented on, funnily enough). I remember the day REBEAT launched, or, more specifically, the weeks of trepidation leading up to it. I remember sitting on my bed with my friend and roommate, and REBEAT’s supremely talented graphic designer, Sara Greene going over logos and layouts, typography and color schemes. It hardly seems like a month has passed, let alone a year.

But then, I look at the breadth of our coverage and the many amazing writers that make up REBEAT’s contributors list, and everything starts adding up. I guess the moment I realized that this “blogazine” was really and truly a thing of its own was when I was browsing the archives recently and found articles I totally forgot about. That I wrote.

As I said in my very first column, the seed of REBEAT had been kicking around in my brain for two or three years, sprouting and growing roots (and leaves and flowers…) before I even dreamed of actually making it a reality. I’m a planner by nature and generally need to have entire ideas followed through in my brain before acting on them. (Sounds annoying, I know. I’m trying to be more spontaneous!) So when I sent out an email to a handful of friends who I thought might be interested in writing for a mid-century digital blogazine with what I hoped would be something of a fresh voice, it was easily one of the most terrifying and exhilarating moments of my professional life. And that same feeling has lasted from July 2014 to now as I’m typing these words.

Rebeat_icon4REBEAT is and has been more than I’d ever hoped for or expected. Meeting readers when I’m out at concerts, at Fests for Beatles Fans, or via email or Facebook has been nothing but a joy. Some of those readers are now regular contributors I can’t fathom this site existing without. (“If you build it, they will come!”) Once, I was even at dinner with some friends and acquaintances when one person at the table remarked on an interview with Jeremy Clyde they’d read online, and I nodded along until I realized it was REBEAT’s interview.

I say this not to brag, but to express total astonishment and appreciation. Each and every visitor, each and every Facebook “like” or comment, Twitter mention, or Tumblr or Instagram follower leaves me speechless; on behalf of myself and the entire staff, I want to thank you, the readers. We absolutely love hearing from you and knowing that you’re finding something in what we publish that strikes a chord (no pun intended) with something in your life or lifetime as much as it does ours. But I guess that’s what pop culture does, really. Music in particular, of course. It ignites a passion in those that are lucky enough to love it, and somehow binds us together.

So, once again, thank you all for your readership and support, not only of REBEAT but for the artists, shows, concerts, albums, and all that we’ve covered. Sharing these things with you, no matter if they’re Western movies or 50th anniversaries of significant events, means so much to us.

Here’s looking forward to the next 365 days!

Allison Johnelle Boron
Allison Johnelle Boron is a Los Angeles-based music writer and editor whose work has appeared in Paste, Goldmine, Popdose, and more. She is the founder and editor of REBEAT. Her karaoke song is "Runaway" by Del Shannon. Find her on Twitter. All writing and opinions are unaffiliated with any company or organization and are strictly her own.