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The Beginning

Here we are, at the dawn of a new era. Trekking on an unknown adventure. Staring down the unknown road. And a lot of other dramatic metaphors that basically mean one thing…

The launch of REBEAT magazine!

This digital magazine (or “blogazine”) is the product of years of rumination, indecision, and finally, hard work and dedication from not only myself, but a lot of other really fantastic people, many of whom you’ll see on the site in one form or another, whether they’re writers, artists, interviewees, or even visitors.

The idea stems from wanting to create a space to discuss music of the 1950s-1970s, but with personality, perspective and expertise in some way or another, and hear from passionate fans and contributors from all walks of life. I hope this place can become a breeding ground for ideas, discovery and preservation. And fun, of course!

I’d like to thank everyone who’s supported this idea from its humble beginnings long ago, and also its future supporters — we can’t do it without you.

Because these are our infant days, don’t be surprised if you encounter some bugs in your browsing. (If you’re nice, you can let us know so we can fix them!)

This column is my space each week in the style of a “Letter from the Editor” where I’ll give you, the reader, a little preview of what’s coming down the pike for the week, month, year, or millennium (okay, maybe not the last one). I’ll also use it as one of our two spaces for news and updates; watch for the second space at the end of next week!

I’m so excited that REBEAT is real and is rolling out. Thank you for being here.


Allison Johnelle Boron
Allison Johnelle Boron is a Los Angeles-based music writer and editor whose work has appeared in Paste, Goldmine, Popdose, and more. She is the founder and editor of REBEAT. Her karaoke song is "Runaway" by Del Shannon. Find her on Twitter. All writing and opinions are unaffiliated with any company or organization and are strictly her own.